How to access the sharing data offline?

Saturday, May 30, 2009

There are two types of configurations required to set the access shared folders offline available, one for data server and other for client computer.

Configuration on Data Server

  • First locate the folders that you would like to share or make new folders then share these folders so they can be accessible to anyone on the network.
  • Now right click on that folder and click on the option "Sharing and security".

  • A small dialog box will appear with the title "data properties". Under the "Sharing" tab, select the check box "Share this folder on the network" under the "Network sharing and security".

  • Now set the share level permissions that you want to give the users on every folder. Enable cache of share folders by click on cache button (by default it will be enabled).

Configuration on Client Computer
  • On the client computer, first open My Computer then click on Tools.
  • In Tools menu bar, click on Folder Options, a window will appear with the title Folder Options.
  • Under the Offline File tab, check the option Enable Offline File. Here you can choose the synchronization process "Synchronize all offline files when logging on", "Synchronize all offline files before logging off" and others.
  • Click on Apply button to save the settings and then Ok button to close this window.

Now sitting on the client computer, try to access the shared folder from the data server.
  • First Right click on the shared folder and Click on Make available offline.
  • To synchronizing the offline work from client computer to data server, again open My Computer then click on Tools. Click on Synchronize then click on synchronizing button.
  • After that down to data server and then try to access share folders by give the UNC (Universal Naming Convention) path of data server. But it will be accessible weather the server is down or up.

Offline browser

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Your internet connection is not available right now or you are in a limited-time net user, but what do you do when you need to browse a specific website at a sudden time? Your problem can be solved by using HTTrack software. HTTrack is a free (GPL, libre/free software) and easy-to-use offline browser utility.

It allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer. HTTrack arranges the original site's relative link-structure. Simply open a page of the "mirrored" website in your browser, and you can browse the site from link to link, as if you were viewing it online.

Click here to download HTTrack software and enjoy offline browsing.

How to Enable Toggle Keys of your Systems?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Toggle Keys option designed for those people who are typing while looking away from the screen or for those who are vision impairment. When your system Toggle keys is turned on, you will get a special sound when special keys are pressed like CAPS, NUM, SCROLL LOCK keys.

To enable or disable your system Toggle keys, go to Control Panel using Start button. In your system Control Panel normally the first option will be Accessibility options. Double click on Accessibility options and check the Toggle keys box, Windows will automatically send you a special beeps when you will press locking keys.

Coming soon…. Microsoft Vine

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Now-a-days social networking is one of the most popular web tools to connect people with home and abroad, with friends and family. Facebook holds number #1 position as a social networking website. Microsoft is going to launch a new social networking website named Microsoft Vine.

Vine is designed to keep family and friends in touch when other communication methods are either broken or not particularly efficient. Times of crisis usually involve a breakdown in mobile phone or other key communication infrastructures, and Vine is designed to be as hardy as possible to keep people connected. Vine can be accessed via a desktop client (Windows only for now), text message or email. So what is it? Vine is a tool keep people connected during a crisis, but it is also used to for more mundane, everyday tasks.

It will gather local news (you tell it where you live or are at the moment). News items are gathered from 20,000 local and national news sources. Information from people you care about, such as alerts and reports, will appear on the dashboard too.

Recently Microsoft has launched its beta version and requested to get involved to create great communities and give feedback and ideas to make it great.You can take a tour click here

Speed up your computer

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Some unnecessary files make slower your PC’s performance. You can make your windows faster to delete these unnecessary files to following these steps-

Go to Start / Run / %temp% / Enter. Select all files and press Shift+ Delete.

Go to Start / Run / temp / Enter. Select all files and press Shift+ Delete.

Go to Start / Run / recent / Enter. Select all files and press Shift+ Delete.

Go to Start / Run / prefetch / Enter. Select all files and press Shift+ Delete.

Go to Start / Run / tree / Enter.

Best Luck